Crosscrake CE Nursery and Primary School

Friendship and Learning

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Class 2 Letters

The children have come back in to school really well and have got back into the class routines with a lovely enthusiasm.


I cannot believe we are in the Summer Term already!


This term will have a history focus as our first topic is ‘Houses and Homes of the Past’ this is a lovely cross curricular topic where the children have the opportunity to look at how houses have changed throughout the ages. The Wordsworth Museum supported our learning as we have been learning about historical people in our locality. We discovered how William Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy lived and looked at different artefacts from the 1800s.


I am in the process of organising the summer trip. We will hopefully be taking the steam train from Haverthwaite Station to the Lakeside Aquarium. Details will follow very soon.


During the second part of the term, we will be moving on to the topic, Sun, Sea and Sand where we will learn about seaside holidays from the past. During the last part of the term, we are also planning to do some pond dipping with Mrs Robinson as we look at different habitats through science.


Please would it be possible for your child to have a named PE kit in school and that your child’s books are in their book bags each day as we read throughout the week.


Thank you as always for your continuing support.

Mrs Brown.

Remember to look on Tapestry.

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