Crosscrake CE Nursery and Primary School

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Class 4 Letters

Dear Parents and Carers,

Class 4 have already made a great start to the summer term and have quickly settled back into being at school.

In Science, we will be learning about light followed by the heart and the circulation system of humans and animals. The children will be working scientifically to develop their knowledge and understanding in these areas.

In history we are doing a local history topic which links nicely to the ‘Back and Forth’ intergenerational art project that the children are taking part in. As well as this, we will be doing a geography topic about Eastern Europe and comparing it to where we live.

In June, we will be visiting Heaves Farm as part of the farm to fork initiative and we will use this to inspire our DT which will involve the children planning and making a sandwich. In art we will be developing our sketching skills and learning how to draw perspective.

Our writing will be linked to the topics and the class stories. The children will have the opportunity to develop different writing genres with a focus on the organisation of writing, vocabulary, and punctuation.

In Maths, we will continue to develop fluency and confidence using different calculation methods. We will focus on statistics, decimals and percentages; shape, position and direction.

In RE, we will be exploring the questions: What is the nature and character of God? and What do different world beliefs and religions believe about loss, death and hope? The children will continue to be involved in preparing for collective worship and class prayer.

In PE this half term, the children will be developing athletics skills and tennis skills and next half term they will be doing cricket and orienteering. PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays – the children are expected to come to school in school PE kit with their school sweatshirt.

In ICT the children will be exploring 3D modelling and Sensing. In French they will continue to develop vocabulary and speaking through games and song.

The children are enjoying playing the ukulele and are learning some new pieces. Music lessons will follow the Charanga Music Programme and the children will be preparing for the Key stage 2 musical play.

Spellings will be set each week and tested on Wednesdays. The children are expected to spend time each day learning spellings at home, to consolidate and work done in class. Topic/Science homework, Reading, Maths and Grammar homework will also be set throughout the term with clear ‘hand-in’ times indicated.

Year 6 will be doing SATs papers in the week beginning 13th May and of course we go on our residential on Wednesday 22nd May. We know the children will enjoy the term ahead and will continue to do their best, building on the great work they have done in previous terms. Please contact us if there are any problems or worries that your child may have.

Thank-you for your continued support,

Mrs Carr and Mrs Fletcher

This term we will be taking part in an intergenerational project, through Kendal Window on Arts, called 'Back & Forth'.  It promises to be very exciting...... more details to follow.

English Glossary

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