Crosscrake CE Nursery and Primary School

Friendship and Learning

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Welcome to the gallery! Please enjoy browsing our photographs.

Lego Club - The first session was all about making their Lego models look like food. Can you tell what food this group made?

Class 3 are a crafty lot! Making Christmas decorations that can be treasured forever. Learning crafting skills, that they can use throughout their life to produce their own creations.

Wonderful things happen when you have talented parents coming in to share their skills. Thank you so much Mr Gibson.

We are so lucky to have such amazing school grounds!

Live Teams Meeting with Lord Borwick - He told us about the House of Lords and his role as a Lord. We asked him lots of questions and learnt so much.

Exciting Road Safety Visit with special guest Murphy! Be seen. Be safe. Drive wide and slow. Hold your parent's hand.

Learning about Soils and Rocks and Strickley Farm. It's so much easier to explore soil layers when you have a digger!

Using our new Charcoals to create quick sketches of this lovely flower arrangement brought in by a very kind parent. The children absolutely loved it!

This week in Construction Club we are working together to get creative

One of our finished Robots made at Construction Club

'MAKEDO Construction Club has started! First week - starting to make 2D Robots

Visiting the County Show and meeting up with our 'Back and Forth' Canal Project friends with a lovely canal ride

Getting Creative with our new MAKEDO tool kits. Fantastic ideas & teamwork!

Class 1 had a fabulous morning at Strickley Farm learning about the local nature and finding treasure!

Class 2's Teddy Bears' Picnic

Class 2 - KWoA Back and Forth Project

What a wonderful day full of art in Class 3! Thank you to Nicki and Priscilla. We will be exhibiting our KWoA Back and Forth Project at the County Show

We just love LEGO Club! Children from Y1 to Y6 working together

SPORTS DAY - An amazing afternoon with many Personal Bests beaten and also some all-time school records smashed!

Just a few of the children's wonderful Fathers' Day Cards

Class 2 had an amazing day at the Lakes Aquarium, looking at the different fish and their habitats. Travelling by train helped them understand more about seaside holidays of the past.

Class 2 enjoyed doing some maths in the outdoor classroom - weighing ingredients to make bread on the fire

Y4 Bluebell Study - Among other things, the children discovered that bluebells don't like growing where Ramsons grow. They also did some conservation work, by pulling out an invasive species - Himalayan Balsam

Strickley Wildflower Study Y3s - The children discovered that more different types of flowers grew in the Hedgerow, than the pasture and meadow put together!

Easter Egg Hunt Fun

Class 2 - Easter Craft

We had a lovely time at Forest Schools. The fire was a great success! We followed the fire rules and enjoyed toasting yummy marshmallows!

Celebrating Shrove Tuesday with the kind help of Ruth. Thank you Ruth

Dallam Key Steps Gymnastics - We are very proud that all our teams achieved bronze medals!

Christingle Making with our Church Friends

JuniorSTEM – Lego Robotics - A progression of programming activities from Reception to Y6. Building fantastic Lego models and using algorithms to bring their models to life with sensors, motors, sound and lights. Highly engaging, packed full of learning, team work, perseverance and lots of fun!

Class 4 Lego Workshop

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Class 3 Lego Workshop

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Class 3 Lego Workshop

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Class 3 Lego Workshop

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Class 3 Roaring Lion

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Class 3 Roaring Lion

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Class 4 - Funfair Ride

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Class 4 - Funfair Ride

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Class 4 Funfair Ride

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The children had such a great time playing in the snow at playtime!

Come & hear the 'good news'! Nativity Tues 12th December, 2pm at Church. All welcome

Christmas Celebrations Begin!

Christmas Craft Club

Dallam Cross Country - We are so proud of these children! Excellent running by all and two medals won!

Lego Education Masterclass

Children in Need Ramble

Class 3's trip to Vindolanda to learn all about the Romans

Amazing Writing in Class 2!

Learning about Diwali in Class 2

Our Remembrance Service

Class 3 Vindolanda Trip

Class 4 London Trip - We really enjoyed our city experience, visiting the Houses of Parliament and the British Museum

Music in Worship

Dear God,

Thank-you for our harvest.

Helpful hands to gather.

Apples, pears and damsons.

Nothing wasted.

Keeping people fed.


Yummy, yummy!

Oranges and aubergines

Useful machines to cut and pick.


Food glorious food:


Ripe vegetables and fruits.


Our mum’s apple crumble.

Unusually shaped carrots.

Really nice tomatoes.

Hens eggs

Amazing farmers


Vimto berries

Energising plums.


Thank-you Lord


Written by Gledhill, Arthur and Edward


Engineering Fairytales Workshop - Dr Wise came from Lancaster University to talk to us about engineering. It was amazing!

Class 3's Wonderful Trip to Pizza Express - We learned about the nutrients within the food and how to stretch the dough

Preparing the dough base

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Preparing the dough base

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Preparing the dough base

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Preparing the dough base

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Adding tomato sauce

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NISCU Collective Worship- great fun with Diana, as always :)

Success at the Onion Show!

Class 2 love Percy Vere

SPORTS DAY - Our sports day is like no other. The KS2 children strive before and after the event to earn points by beating personal best.

Class 2's Special Day - A wedding and a baptism!

Class 2 enjoying orienteering at Dallam

Look how brilliant Class 2's work is!

Lakeland Wildlife Oasis - The most incredible trip on a beautiful sunny day.

Making Crowns for our teddies, ready for our Whole School Coronation Teddy Bears' Picnic. You will see that some of the older children made prototypes first and had to work out how they could stop the crowns falling off and how to fit them around their big ears.

Class 3 Water Workshop - thank you Tasha from Lake District National Park

#LETGIRLSPLAY Well done Evie for helping to give equal opportunities for girls to play football.

Class 4's amazing art work, inspired by Peter Thorpe

Look what Class 2 have been up to! Learning about our wonderful world and just look at how cute those robins are!

WORLD BOOK DAY - We enjoyed sharing books with each other and our parents


Class 3 & 4 had the most incredible STEM workshop!

The Challenge - To create and program a model that would alert the Lego figure scientist, if a certain colour Lego creature was outside of their tent.

See the programming in action!

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Gymnastics Medallists - We took three teams to the competition and came back with three sets of medals! Very well done to the teams and the parents who helped support them.

Electricity Challenge - The children had not used a switch component before and had to figure out how they could make a circuit that could light two bulbs but could also be switched on and off. They learned about complete and incomplete circuits.

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch - I know it's hard to believe, but these children are only in Class 2! They are learning to identify birds and doing this through art is a fabulous why to encourage children to look more closely.

Heysham Power Station Trip

Class 4 had an amazing day learning all about how electricity is generated at the power station. They enjoyed activities and investigations in the workshop and the tour of the power station.   We had to wear  high-viz jackets, hard hats, ear defenders and goggles and walk through the security arch before we could  enter. A fantastic day of new experiences and leaning was had by all.

How clever are we?

We sketched,  in charcoal, the landscape outside  White Scar Cave. We used different techniques to create darker and lighter tones.  We remembered to look more than we  drew.


We then went on to make our own rock themed picture frames for them. We first made prototypes to find a way of being able to slide the picture in and out , without it falling out.  We also had to think of our own way of creating a stand that would not fail.

Kindness to other - Boxes of Hope for children in Romania

Class 2 had a wonderful trip to Beatrix Potter. The children enjoyed learning about Breatrix's life and how she became an author. We learnt a lot about plants and seeds when we visited Mr McGregor's garden. We have carried on learning about this in our Science lessons. The highlight of the day though had to be meeting Peter Rabbit!

Blackberry Juice Portraits - We crushed blackberries with stones and noticed that some surfaces were porous and some were not. Porous surfaces allowed the juice to soak in and create marks. We altered the thickness of the lines by altering the pressure on the paint brush and we could alter the darkness/tone by adding water or using a paper towel to dab some of the juice away.

White Scar Cave Trip - We had a wonderful time learning about how caves are formed. After lunch we used charcoals to create landscape studies of the scenery outside the cave.

Dr Robinson, a rock expert who is a doctor of Geology, came to talk to us about rocks. We brought some of our own rocks from home to show him and to find out more about them. To say thank you for coming in to see us, we made him some ROCKy Road. Each group created a different version, but using the same basic recipe. We had 4 different flavours. Some were white chocolate, some were milk. Some had popcorn and some had smarties.

SOIL SUNDAES - To show what we had found out and to consolidate learning, we made Soil Sundaes to represent the different layers of soil and the organisms in them

We learnt how layers of sediment, one on top of the other, forms sedimentary rock over millions of years. The children used weaving to help them think of this layering, with the pressure from above pushing the layers together.

Westmorland Country Show Display - Little did we know that our display celebrating the Queen was to be viewed on the very day that she died. I am sure many of the children will treasure their artwork and share their memories of the Queen in years and decades to come.

Class 4 having fun at the County Show

Sports Day - Really great to have the parents there to enjoy the morning and give their support. So many children beat there Personal Bests!

LEGO CLUB - They've made their own Amusement Rides, Structures with secret passage ways and Booby Traps and some amazing bridges to span an ocean! Each week Mrs Brown has been amazed by their creativity and team work. Well done to everyone!

Manchester Science & Industry Museum - BEST TRIP EVER!

Name that tune

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Creating a tune by moving in the circle

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Dancing in the Rainbow Lab

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Team work at its best!

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Solving problems

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Glow in the dark

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Jubilee Craft - The whole school worked on a project to decorate our church

There's something that just makes me think that Class 3 enjoyed their recent Wildflower Field Trip to Strickley Farm!

Class 3's Mayan Masks - What can I say? These children are amazing!

RAF SPACE CHALLENGE - Class 3 STEM Live Online Lesson

STEM Workshop 2022 - Class 3 LEGO building and programming. Many thanks to the PTFA for generously funding these:)

Videos - Blades rotating, lights flashing and sound effects!

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Can we make a structure that will hold at least 5 books, just using cocktail sticks and midget gems? YES WE CAN!

Creating 3D shapes using cocktail sticks and marshmallows, learning their names and learning about their properties. We then developed them into strong structures.

Christingles- made with our lovely visitors from Church for our special service.

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