Crosscrake CE Nursery and Primary School

Friendship and Learning

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Class 3 Letters






Mrs Robinson

Mrs Robinson

Mr Cunningham

Mr Cunningham

Mr Cunningham

Class 3 Parent Letter Summer Term 2024


Dear Parents,

We hope you had a lovely Easter break.

Here are some of the topics we will be learning about this term:

  • Main TopicsAmazon Rainforest (Geography focus) and Magnificent Mayans (History focus).
  • Science – We will be learning about Plants and in the second half of the term Light.
  • RE – We will be learning about Rules for Living in different religions (first half-term), before moving onto thinking about Prayer (second half-term).
  • PE – We will be starting the term with Rounders, ahead of a tournament on Wednesday 1st May. Information will be sent out shortly.

Please can children continue to bring a gum shield for Rounders sessions, as this will help protect your child’s teeth in case of accident.

PE will continue to take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so please continue sending your child in wearing their kit on these days. This has really helped us make the most of PE lesson time this year, so thank you for your support.

To check what other kit is needed for PE, see




Spelling & Dictation Homework: This will continue to be given out on Mondays.

Sheets are in Yellow Homework Folder and also on Google Classroom.

Each week on Google Classroom there is a page with their weekly spellings on and also a link to  The words should already be inputted for playing the online spelling training games, but if they are not the children can just type in the spellings to learn for that week.

Please remember to do the spelling homework with your child to check that they are doing their best handwriting and to check regularly through the week how they are getting on with learning the words, so you can concentrate on the ones they are really struggling with.

Maths Homework: Please continue to use Times Tables Rock Stars.

Weekly Online Sessions – House Points for those who complete their homework session.


There is a link to this on Google Classroom along with videos and other resources to help your child recall their times tables quickly. You do not need a computer or tablet, the app can be downloaded onto a mobile phone. You can look on your child's account to look at their accuracy and speed.


Those children who have been regularly going onto Rock Stars have made really wonderful progress. The 10 minutes assigned to your child to do as homework each week is a minimum. The more they do, the more competent and confident they will become.


National Curriculum Expectations for Times Tables by Year Group:

  • Y3 children – x2, x5, x10, x3, x4, x8 & the inverse (÷) in random order up to x12. Answering rapidly without having to work them out.
  • Y4 children – All times tables up to x12, answering rapidly without having to work them out.


Most Year 4 children will be completing the national Multiplication Tables Check in June. This is very similar in style to some of the Rock Stars games as children are given a maximum of 6 seconds to read the question, think of the answer and type in the number in the computer.  It is an ungraded check that takes five minutes to complete in school, so there is nothing for you or your child to worry about. The online check simply informs the school and government how children are doing with their times tables, and if any additional support would be beneficial for individuals going forward.


Reading Homework: Books changed on Mondays

All children need regular home reading, even if they are good readers, reading at least 10 pages at a time and preferably reading each day to a parent, or could be to a grandparent or older sibling.  As they become more competent, they will come across more complex language and content which will need discussing to help comprehension. There is advice in your child's Yellow Homework Folder or on Google Classroom.


Those who change their own books, choosing from the library, have an opportunity to do this every Monday, but they can also change it at other convenient times, they just need to ask. They can choose one or two from the colour band that they have been asked to choose from plus they can also choose a book to read for interest which can be a much easier book to read or a more challenging one which they might like to share with you.


Google Classroom: Activities to help with many aspects of your child’s learning.

Logins on the front of their Yellow Homework Folder. Please refer to Google Classroom for:

  • Weekly Spelling Tests - if your child has been absent or it is lost
  • Dictation Sheets
  • Reading & Spelling Activities and Advice
  • Times Tables Rocks Stars and other times tables help
  • Telling the Time Activities
  • Handwriting Practice
  • Internet Safety

Other reminders:


  • Please could you check that your child's name is in their clothes, bags and shoes, so any lost items can be returned swiftly to the correct child. We find that simply writing in biro on the label works well and just needs going over occasionally.
  • Your child will need to keep a pair of named black pumps in school to wear – some children have been without pumps that fit for a while, so please ask your child if they need replacing.
  • Please provide your child with a healthy snack for break time.
  • Please ensure your child has a named water bottle every day.
  • Please keep Yellow Homework Folder in book bag and make sure book bag is in school every day.
  • Children are not to bring toys or similar items into school.
  • No pencil cases please.
  • To avoid overloading their book bags with keyrings, please keep to a maximum of 1 keyring please.


If you have any questions, please ask.


Yours sincerely,  


Mr Cunningham and Mrs Robinson


Please see  Homework & Extra Learning Activities Page

  • Healthy Schools Awards Logo
  • Ofsted Good Provider Awards Logo
  • School Games Awards Logo
  • Music Mark Awards Logo
  • Green Tree School Awards Logo